Specialist VC

Specialist VC invests into companies based in, or founders from the Baltics, Finland and Ukraine. They focus on B2B software companies, marketplaces, and software-enabled hardware companies. They have also invested in some B2C and hardware companies through their previous fund, United Angels VC.

The fund’s partners have built companies like Civitta and Fortumo, followed by a decade of angel investing. Their network also includes many advisors, including a scientific advisor in biotech.

For SaaS companies they seek initial traction, e.g. €10k MRR. For deep tech companies this is not as much of a requirement.

They often co-invest, occasionally also lead. They haven’t done any solo investments so far.

They have supported some portfolio companies through participating in their boards, but this has not been a requirement to invest.

They also do secondary investments, where early employees and investors sell some of their shares and receive the money to themselves, as opposed to the company issuing new shares.

Swiss Post Ventures

Swiss Post Ventures is the fund of Swiss Post, who operate a multi-billion euro business in fleet management, public transportation (buses), postal offices, communication services etc., mostly in Switzerland. Swiss Post has 60k employees, Swiss Post Ventures has three people.

They’re looking for startups especially in mobility, logistics, cyber security, communication platforms, and digital health.

The startups they invest into should have some link into Swiss Post’s value chain and ecosystem.

They are often a follow investor, and prefer to invest less than 50% of the round. They have occasionally been a lead investor for a startup whose market they understand exceptionally well.


Superangel is a Nordic-Baltic fund investing in tech startups that are changing the world. They are able to invest around the globe, but focus on their home region.

All the partners are founders, making this a founders-to-founders fund. Their backgrounds are in building and growing tech startups.

They have a long-term support program to help startups get to the next level. It includes expert coaches, team culture development to be ready for scaling, basecamps, helping set up company management structure (which aspects to focus on and follow monthly) and so on.

Hanover 16

Hanover 16 is a UK-based family office investing European, US and Israeli companies. They focus especially on health tech, including digital health and pharmaceuticals, agro and food tech, including biotechnologies, next gen farms, and livestock, but are open to other businesses as well. They occasionally review especially interesting hardware cases, but are generally more focused on software, marketplaces and pharma.

They prefer companies with a commercial traction, ideally over 500ke annual revenue. They are typically a co-investor (not lead). They analyze startups in multiple different stages, with a preference for later stages all the way up to pre-IPO rounds.

For deal flow and cooperation please contact: invest@hanover16.com


Athensmed is the angel investment company of Kustaa Piha. He’s a veteran of medical technology and digital health, having grown Med Group from 0 to 100Me turnover before exiting it. Since 2016 he has done multiple investments and exits in the health space. He often helps his companies through a board seat, but has occasionally served as a medical director as well.

Crowberry Capital

Crowberry Capital is a Nordic-Baltic early-stage tech investor. Most of their team is based in Iceland and Denmark.

They prefer software. They don’t mind hardware, as long as it’s scalable and has a significant software component. They’re very interested in deep tech software.

Geographically they focus on the Nordics and Baltics. In exceptional cases invest into startups from elsewhere Europe as well, if the company has a strong enough link to the Nordics and Baltics.

They’re not interested in life sciences (mainly due to long development cycles), fast-moving consumer goods or gambling.

Their advisors include David Helgason, founder of Unity Technologies.


Fund Fellow Founders (FFF.vc)

Fund Fellow Founders is an angel network investing together in interesting deals. Angels in their network have been responsible for business development, sales, technology, legal and other parts of turning tech startups into unicorns. They do investments starting from small rounds up to very large rounds with their VC network.

They are especially interested in health tech, food tech and green tech / cleantech, as well as deep tech. They are interested in other fields as well. They strongly prefer companies that have a clear and reasonably short path to profitability. They prefer companies whose main tech value is in the software side.

Geographically they have no limitations, but seek Nordic-Baltic deals most actively.



Highrise Ventures

Highrise Ventures focuses on European startups in proptech, smart buildings and adjacent fields. The team was experience both as investors and founders in ecommerce, IoT, real estate, proptech and construction tech startups. Urban tech, greentech, sustainability, urban mobility and energy sources and energy infrastructure are also interesting for them.

They invest mostly in B2B and B2B2C tech companies, especially deep tech. They’re generally not that interested proptech transaction or asset valuation companies. They are very welcoming for diverse teams as well as first-time founders.

They’re also interested in company building and company replication opportunities, and they have a team that is able to support these endeavours. Around a quarter of their portfolio fits these models.

They’re often either the only investor or a co-investor of a round, with leading a round being rare for them.

Honey Badger Capital

Honey Badger is angel syndicate of three founders of PipeDrive, a successful SaaS company from Estonia. They are especially happy to help SaaS companies and cleantech ones, but are also looking for other founders they could help succeed.

They’re most often a co-investor instead of a lead one.

Angular Ventures

Angular Ventures invests into early-stage B2B companies, especially those aiming to sell to big companies. They invest into European and Israeli founders globally, as well as teams based in Europe or Israel.

They prefer software companies, with hardware being ok as long as the main value is in the software side. Marketplaces are also interesting to them, especially if they value-add services to users. They’re interested in both deep and regular tech as long as they’re sellable to enterprise customers and the capital needs are reasonable.

They have an extensive venture partner program of senior experts in companies like Google to help portfolio companies get their offering and processes right for enterprise customers.

They often lead initial rounds but not the follow-on ones.