There are many startup groups and channels in Telegram. It’s a chat service similar to WhatsApp, but better in a number of small ways, especially for larger groups and on the desktop. In Telegram, groups are for discussion, and channels are for one-way announcements (only admins can post).
Looking for a place to start in Telegram? The following channel is our in-app list of groups and channels that might interest you:
➡️ Startup Groups and Channels in Telegram
Slack is a chat platform for online communities. It’s free to use and a great way to connect with people with similar interests, like startups.
Unfortunately Slack has recently changed free workspaces to only show the last 90 days’ history. Due to this, some Slack groups are moving to Telegram or other platforms that have fewer restrictions.
Startup Helsinki Slack
Startup Helsinki Slack is open for everyone to join at It’s a great place to get to know and stay in touch with startup-minded people in the main Helsinki area.
Some notable channels include:
for application periods for startups#events
for events people can directly participate in#jobs
to introduce yourself and who you’d like to connect with
After registering it’s recommended to install Slack on your desktop and/or phone to stay up-to-date on new messages. After installing, add your Slack group startuphelsinki
and use the email and password you registered with to log in.